Never miss a booking again

Making, changing and canceling appointments
automated thanks to your telephone voice AI!

Take customer reservations 24/7

Make, change and cancel appointments or reservations with your virtual agent available 24/7 and capable of handling hundreds of calls simultaneously.

What could your virtual telephone agent do to manage your reservations and appointments?

Take reservations

Take/cancel/reschedule reservations by phone

Receive payments

Secure payments and reimbursements

Integrate with your system

Native integration with your existing tools

Personalize the customer experience

Welcome your loyal customers with a personalized experience

Answer FAQs

Answer all FAQs

Eliminate no-shows

By calling customers to confirm each appointment

Native integration with your existing tools

YeldaAI integrates with all major reservation systems on the market to consult the next available slots or recognize your loyal customers.

Reservation software

Book a Demo

We will provide you with your personalized callbot demo!